Advokátska kancelária
Advokátska kancelária


The attorney’s office is situated on the first floor of a polifunctional building at 5599/3a Hlavná Street in Dunajská Streda.

The advocatory information system, that is hardware HP and software ‘Advokát‘, was given by Libellus, Ltd., Saratovská 26, 841 02 Bratislava,, ensuring its failure-free running.

The attorney’s office has had a professional liability insurance with Wüstenrot insurance company, Inc., for the sum of 3.000.000,- EUR.

The bank account of the attorney’s office is managed by Slovenská sporiteľňa, Inc., Bratislava, municipal branch office Dunajská Streda, member of the group Erste Bank,

The legal literature for the attorney’s office is provided by Iura Edition,Ltd., Oravská 17, 821 09 Bratislava, member of the group Wolters Kluwer,


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